We explored six ways to help others to grow in business from within our Forming Impact community.
Remember how excited and yet terrified you were your first day of taking the leap and going out on your own?
Wouldn’t you have bitten your arm off for an experienced and knowledgeable friendly face, to show you the ropes, be by your side and someone to call on.
Mentors are important because they offer guidance and support without judgement.
Angela Hands, Director of Development Beyond Learning takes on up to 4 interns at a time to shadow her and other senior members of their team at DBL.
‘One of my most valuable employees started with us as an intern and is now a technical lead running a team.’
Britnie Turner, Founder and Director of Aerial Development, started her business when she was just 18. “Real Estate was and still predominantly is a male-dominated industry, I didn’t know what I was doing but I was willing to do what it takes to make it. I have had mentors with me throughout my journey and I couldn’t see how I would be where I am today without their guidance, assistance and direction.
So I know how important it is to mentor young people who show a passion in business or real-estate development.”
Ever noticed how much more relaxed your team are away from their desks?
Studies have shown the benefits of “walking meetings”, often resulting in more productive conversations, Daniel Davis, CEO of EOS Asia Pacific – says that this is a preferred way of collaborating with his leadership team. “If there’s an opportunity to get out of the office to walk and talk and get some fresh air, we take it!”
As a visionary, have you ever noticed how much more productive the team can be when you are out their way? Don’t forget, you don’t always have to be in the office to get everyone working and on the same mission – Alexis Walsko, Founder of Lola Red, finds being out of the office is the best place for her to be the vision and have her team happily working on the mission – “the team get so much done when I am not there to distract them…”
Filling a position with existing staff has major benefits, as employees already know the business inside out. Gabie Maldonado, Founder of American Finance, says they always try to promote from within to support the career development goals of their team “I look for talent internally” “that benefits the individual as well as the business, and promotes autonomy, proactivity and loyalty to the company”. Appreciating that your staff will want to progress within their careers is vital, and your support will be rapid tenfold with loyalty.
As we know through Forming Impact, creating support networks can be the best way to learn from each other, and give ourselves and the chance to get together and have real open conversations, but it doesn’t have to always be a formal set up.
How about posting a message in the Forum or messaging the Facebook group, or planning to join the next event somewhere that transports your mind and body.
You’ll be surprised by how much you learn and find relief in sharing stories with others who understand your daily struggles. Get online and start chatting with fellow Forming Impact community members near you and around the world.
It’s not just the woman that have lower levels of confidence, the guys out there need a confidence boost too. Tony Robbins shares that men need praise, and not just from the woman in their lives.
Self-doubt can play as major part in our workplace failings. Try to get your employees and team to remember their previous business successes – by doing this you are reminding them of what is achievable. So, if you notice a team member off their best, take the time to reassure them of their strengths. You will both be a lot better off.
Did you make a whopping great error on an idea, planning or implementing work? It’s time to open up and be honest about it. Be a leader and a role model. Being real and honest about your mistakes isn’t a bad thing, it helps to build trust and openness within your team, who value your advice and want to follow in your example. Don’t aim to be a model of perfection all the time, Brene Brown talks about being vulnerable, others feel relieved to know you can sometimes make mistakes too and not always get it right, it makes us human, and it will build connection.
Sharing these experiences with others helps both yourself and those you are leading. Mistakes are what most entrepreneurs make to be in the positions that they are today, they are a form of learning.
Who could you help today to change and grow? A friend, an employee or someone in the Forming Impact community on the other side of the world?
Community and sharing is what helps to change our world, break the rules and make way for new ideas and innovations.
Join us at one of our events by Forming Impact and become part of something bigger.